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To make sure that you are fully awake when you dismiss your alarm

Challenges gives small tasks to do before being able to dimiss or snooze an alarm. Those are not hard tasks, but permits to make sure that one is fully awake when dismissing an alarm.

Multiple types of challenges are available. Those are detailed below:
  • MATHEMATICAL CHALLENGE - This challenge is a simple sum. Four numbers are displayed, as well as a sum. To be able to either snooze or dismiss an alarm, the result of the sum must be selected between the four options.Try it now!
  • TEXT CHALLENGE - A text to reproduce has to be defined for the alarm. Then, this text will have to be reproduced to be able to snooze or dismiss the alarm.

An option is available to make an alarm be automatically dismissed when a challenge is solved.

Free and Premium

Mathematical challengeYES
Text challengeYES
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