bootstrap modal

Dismiss and skip options

Dimissing an alarm is not only about clicking or sliding a button when it's ringing!

Dismiss it beforehand


Using the notification A notification appears two hours before the time when an alarm will go off. You can dismiss it beforehand from there.

If you chose to display a permanent notification, you'll always be able to skip (dismiss) the next alarm that is scheduled to go off.
The permanent notification also displays more information!

From the application Every enabled alarm can be dismissed from the application, using the "Skip next" button.



  1. FLIP YOUR PHONE - Just flip your phone when your alarm is ringing and it will be dismissed!
  2. WAVE YOUR HAND - Wave your hand three time over your phone (closely over it) to dismiss your alarm.
  3. SHAKE YOUR PHONE - Shake your phone to dismiss your alarm. We're not responsible if you drop it!

Other options

  • FORBID SKIPPING - you can forbid skipping an alarm when this alarm is locked. It's an option available in the general preferences.
  • AUTOMATICALLY DISMISS WHEN SOLVED - Automatically dismiss your alarm when you solve the challenge set up for it.

Free and Premium

Dismiss an alarmYESYES
Dismiss on last repeat when flippingYESYES
Dismiss with movementsYESYES
Skip the next alarm from the notificationYESYES
Skip any alarm from the applicationYES
Forbid skipping a locked alarmYES
Automatically dismiss when a challenge is solvedYES
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